Press a button. Find your phone. Locator Cases are computerized phone cases that recover lost phones, even if they are dead, anywhere up to 100 feet. What’s the one piece of hardware that connects us all? If you said phones you are absolutely correct. Imagine if there was a way to make money every time someone lost a phone. People lose phones all the time, everywhere. A member of our team owns 100 Sprint stores. We will sign the first purchase order with him. We will sell units wholesale to establish brand identity, then we will sell online for higher profits. We will use NFL players and celebrity influencers to market as well as a heavily targeted social media and mobile ad campaign.
PROBLEM/OPPORTUNITY 60M people lose phones and never get them back despite all the apps available on the market in the US alone.
SOLUTION/PRODUCT A computerized phone case that recovers phones dead or silent while preventing theft by pressing a button on a key fob connected to a keychain. Phones are lost places people go most often within 100 feet.
POTENTIAL RETURN/REVENUE MODEL We will sell our cases wholesale for $20 and retail for $59.99 while offering subscription GPS tracking for phones outside the 100-foot paging range as well as smartphone insurance. This provides a $100m revenue opportunity. COMPETITION Find my phone app cannot be used to find a dead phone or exact location of phone, Otterbox is a $1b case company-does not have phone location technology,
Tj Wright, CEO: Former NFL player with 10 years of design experience. Inventor of the Locator1 paging system.